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Car insurance for 16 year old 4.0 gpa?
"Every company includes a productAlright! I'm a 17 year old man that has been driving as a whole for 2 decades and I have sadly had 2 crashes. The initial happened in May of a year ago. I yanked out-of a fuel station trying to turn left so I had to mix two lanes of oncoming traffic (I used to be in an different vehicle) I could not seethe lane closest towards the heart and that I went out further then I considered as well as the oncoming automobile took off the front bumper. The 2nd crash occurred 04/14 I was driving to college and there is a person in front of me who'd his sign light on for that past 4 kilometers it was flowing down water so I viewed to improve lanes and when perhaps I searched for to extended I'm not sure but wheeI made back the person had arrive at a complete stay in prep to turn from the freeway onto a dirt path. I condemned that I hit him in the back and on my brakes they locked up I really couldnot guide away. My question is. Is this likely to keep happening tome? Am I truly that bad of a driver? And what insurance carrier is most beneficial for my condition as I am being removed by my parents from their policy. Any help could be appreciated!
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